How Can Arab Governments Learn From South Korea's Cultural Diplomacy Policies?

Arab Art (WMFT)

Traveling outside the Arab world as an Arab requires thick skin and patience to explain the true nature of the Arab world to those who havenโ€™t taken the time to understand it. Unfortunately, many people assume the entire Middle East is a vast desert, that Arabs face terrorism and war daily, and that we all share one religion misrepresented by the media.

Western-dominated world media has dehumanized Arabs for political and personal gains. This skewed portrayal has significantly impacted people's interest in Arab tourism and their eagerness to learn about Arab culture.

The media often misrepresents Arab cities, ignoring their blend of traditional culture and modern urbanity. It also overlooks the beautiful Mediterranean beaches in Lebanon, Syria, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, and Morocco. These destinations offer stunning coastlines and rich cultural experiences.

The Red Sea beaches in Saudi Arabia and Egypt, and the Dead Sea area in Jordan are also worth visiting for their unique natural beauty and recreational opportunities. Additionally, the Arab Gulf beaches in the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Kuwait, and Bahrain are must-visit destinations for their luxurious resorts and vibrant marine life.

These are just a few of the many beaches where visitors can enjoy their time in the region.

To add to that, Lebanon's ski season, which allowed Lebanon to be referred to as the 'Switzerland of the East' often goes unnoticed. It offers fantastic experiences in areas like Faraya and El Arez, ideal for winter sports enthusiasts.

How Can Arab Governments Learn From South Korea's Cultural Diplomacy Policies?

Faraya, Lebanon (Libshop)

Given these attractions, one

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