Since January 2013, Gallup Korea has been conducting monthly surveys to determine the most beloved television programs among South Koreans. Unlike traditional TV ratings, which measure viewership based on time slots and channels, this survey captures the emotional preference of viewers, transcending platforms and viewing environments.

With the rise of online video services and the blurring boundaries between traditional TV programs and web content, Gallup Korea expanded its survey scope in 2023 to include both TV and online video services. The latest survey for February 2025 provides insightful findings on the most popular programs in the country.


⚖️ Survey Methodology

⏱️ Period: February 18-20, 2025
🧑🏼‍🤝‍🧑🏻 Sample Size: 1,002 individuals aged 18 and above nationwide
📏 Sampling Method: Random selection of mobile phone numbers provided by the three major telecom companies
✏️ Method: Computer-assisted telephone interviews (CATI)
📖 Margin of Error: ±3.1 percentage points (95% confidence level)
🧔 Response Rate: 14.1% (1,002 respondents out of