TXT Makes A Powerful Statement With Latest Comeback "The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE"

TXT's Twitter

TXT is taking 2021 by storm with some incredible new music and thrilling concepts. Taking the banner of "power to the youth" and running with it, TXT has emerged as an icon of this generation. On August 17, 2021, TXT released their first album repackage, "The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE". With three brand new tracks, this album sees TXT's transformation into a fully realised alt-rock band.



The concept of "The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE" revolves around the transience of youth and the collision of dreams and reality. As the world subdues bursts of creativity and free expression, TXT sends the message of fighting or escaping this cruel system.

TXT Makes A Powerful Statement With Latest Comeback "The Chaos Chapter: FIGHT OR ESCAPE"

TXT's Twitter

The "Escape" concept photo shows the members in a convenience store set up and there is a distinct rebellious mood to them. Concept clips were also released for each member as well as the group as a whole.

The "Fight" concept photos are set in a skate park and the members look free and spirited. Similar to "Escape", concept clips were released for "Fight" as well.

The concept photos perfectly capture the spontaneous energy and power of the youth that TXT is trying to express through this album.


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