Can You Imagine TXT's Huening Kai In A Band? Why You Should Get Excited For His Upcoming Web Variety Program


The web variety space is brimming with a focus on talk shows. Whether it's a simple gathering of celebrities with a host or a chat over food and drinks, these primarily YouTube-specific programs have allowed stars to be a bit more open and candid with one another, showcasing a more human persona behind their star-like qualities.

Of course, at the end of the day their occupation lies in the entertainment industry. For actors/actresses, they specialize in acting, then for K-Pop idols/soloists, they thrive as a musical artist. TXT's Huening Kai taps into this fact and is ready to embark on a new challenge: starting a band through a brand new web variety program.

It's name is as straightforward as it gets: "HUENINGKAI Wants To Start A Band". As the idol embarks on this new venture, both fans and non-fans alike should get excited for what this web variety might hold.


A Different Genre Of Web Variety

Can You Imagine TXT's Huening Kai In A Band? Why You Should Get Excited For His Upcoming Web Variety Program

TXT on X

It's no secret that apart from broadcasting station appearances, it has become the norm for celebrities to appear across a multitude of web variety programs. With such popular shows like "The K Star New Door" or Dex and TWICE Sana's "Fridge Interview", a lot of talking happens -