Why Hasn't There Been Another Grammy Nomination From K-Pop?

TXT on X / Stray Kids on X

K-Pop juggernaut BTS has paved the way for K-Pop and Korean music in general to be recognized and acknowledged on a global scale with their multiple Grammy nominations. While this achievement did help break the glass ceiling or at least come close to it, no other K-Pop group or artist, no matter how successful, has received a Grammy nod yet. Why is this the case? Is it because BTS' measure of success is still unapproachable? Or is it because the Grammy institution is largely focused on music in the English language rather than world music? The conversation is a lot more nuanced than you'd think.

To approach this discussion in good faith, let's take a look at the voting and solicitation guidelines of The Recording Academy. Recording Academy Voting Members are only allowed to "select and vote in the Fields and categories in which they work, day to day", and they must "cast their votes based solely on the artistic and technical merits of eligible product". They are expected to preserve integrity and maintain the voter code of conduct, which bars them from allowing their choices to be influenced by any external factors like suggestions, personal bias, and so on. Voting blocs and vote t

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