Gallup Korea, a trusted name in public opinion polling, celebrates its 50th anniversary on June 17, 2024. As part of its commemorative events, the organization has released its latest insights into the evolving preferences of Koreans over the past two decades. The survey, titled "50 Things Koreans Love," offers a fascinating glimpse into the lifestyle and cultural shifts in Korea from 2004 to 2024.

Period: March 22, 2024 - April 5, 2024

Sample Size: 1,777 respondents nationwide (excluding Jeju), aged 13 and above

Methodology: Stratified clustered probability sampling, face-to-face interviews (CAPI)

Margin of Error: ±2.3 percentage points at a 95% confidence level

Response Rate: 27.7%

In this article, let's have a look at local and international trends most liked by Koreans with these results.


1. 🏙️ Most Desired Domestic Cities

The survey reveals that Seoul remains the most coveted city to live in, with 27% of respondents expressing a preference for the bustling capital. Over the years, Seoul has experienced a resurgence in popularity, reversing a previous decline. This trend is particularly pronounced among younger generations, with teenagers and those in their twentie