"Tomorrow" is the webtoon-based fantasy drama that tells the story of Choi JunWoong (played by SF9's RoWoon) a relentless job seeker who falls into a coma after trying to save a man who attempted to commit suicide. He wakes up in Jumadeung (the underworld) and strikes a deal that would make him wake up from his coma in six months if he works with the risk management team to stop people from committing suicide. Together with his teammates GuRyun (Played by Kim HeeSeon) and Lim RyungKu (played by Yoon JiOn) they set out to save people from untimely death and give them second chances in life while also trying to solve their own problems from the past.
In Jumadeung there are various departments each tasked with a specific responsibility that aids the smooth running of the underworld and its operations. We took a fun poll asking fans of the series to vote on which department they would like to apply for in the series. We received a lot of votes and we thank you for your keen participation.
The results are in! Here are the top 3 departments that fans of the K-Drama "Tomorrow" would love to apply for according to Kpopmap's readers.
1. Registration Management Team
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