Top 3 Actors Who Would Be Perfect For The Role Of Na BaekJin In "Weak Hero Class 1" Season 2 Alongside Park JiHoon

GQ Korea / Arena

"Weak Hero Class 1" season 2 has reportedly been confirmed, and fans all over the world could not be more excited. "Weak Hero Class 1" is one of those webtoon adaptations that has garnered a fanbase of its own. It is appreciated by fans of the webtoon for being an incredibly well-made adaptation, but viewers who haven't read the original webtoon have also praised the K-Drama for its high quality. Now, the breakout success of "Weak Hero Class 1" has given way to a sequel that will presumably take up the major action of the webtoon.

In the mid-credits scene of the last episode of "Weak Hero Class 1", we're introduced to a mysterious tattooed figure. This is Na BaekJin (or Donald Na in the English version), the primary antagonist in the story, the final boss, if you will, and also one of the most popular characters in the webtoon.

Top 3 Actors Who Would Be Perfect For The Role Of Na BaekJin In "Weak Hero Class 1" Season 2 Alongside Park JiHoon

"Weak Hero" by SEOPASS on Naver Webtoon

Na BaekJin is the leader of the fearsome Yeongdeungpo Union. He is a charismatic villain through and through and will do what it takes to get his way. He is tall, blonde, very good-looking, but utterly intimidating. At the same time, he is extremely intelligent and has a sharp eye for business despite his young age. B

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