Reflecting on the fourth week of March, the K-Drama landscape sparkled with series that intricately spun enchanting narratives and introduced memorable characters. These shows infused an additional layer of thrill into the new year, transforming the fourth week of March into a period brimming with endearing on-screen tales.
By the use of extensive data collection that involves analyzing netizen's reactions to various online platforms such as news websites, online communities, social media platforms, and videos, Good Data Corporation shows an insight into the Korean entertainment industry by providing a weekly ranking of the most talked about actors and dramas in Korea.
Wondering which K-Dramas and actors are trending in Korea at the moment? Read on to find out!
Hottest Korean Drama (On TV & OTT) For The 4th Week Of March
The most talked about drama was...
"Queen of Tears"
The K-Drama "Queen of Tears" first aired on March 9th, and it has since found its way to the top of the most-talked-about ranking. Audiences are thoroughly enjoying the exceptional cast, funny moments, and entertaining storyline of the show, eagerly anticipating its upcoming episodes.
Here is the full r
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