The Outlaws 4 surpasses 10.8 million viewers in 30 days, exceeding 'Avatar 2'

On the morning of the 30th day since its release, The Outlaws 4 (directed by Heo Myeong-Haeng) has surpassed a cumulative audience of 10.8 million, achieving a remarkable feat by surpassing the final score of 'Avatar: The Way of Water' (directed by James Cameron, hereafter 'Avatar 2').

Setting a phenomenal record as the first Korean film series to achieve a 'triple ten million' milestone, The Outlaws 4 recorded a cumulative audience of 10,805,136 as of 10:30 a.m. on the 23rd, surpassing 'Avatar 2's final audience count of 10,805,065. This demonstrates the box office power of Korean cinema, wit

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