The Only Spooky Season Watchlist You Need This Year: Top 15 K-Dramas & Movies Perfect For Fall

MBC / Wavve

Autumn is upon us, and the cozy vibes are taking over. It is the perfect time to huddle up with a loved one, a pet, or just some snacks and binge-watch content that gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling inside. At the same time, with Halloween around the corner, we also need to feed our inner horror fanatics. So, if you've been looking for a comprehensive list of fall K-Dramas and films that will give you both butterflies and shivers, you've come to the right place.

For K-Dramas, we have divided our watchlist into 3 categories - "Sweater Weather" for warm and mellow romances that just feel nice and cozy, "Know Thyself" for introspective works about the human condition, and "Love In The Time Of Ghosts" for paranormal romance. As for films, we're recommending pure horror that will make you want to check your locks before sleeping at night.

Before further ado, here's our fall/Halloween watchlist curated just for you!

Note: This list is not a ranking.


Sweater Weather


"When The Weather Is Fine"

Set against the background of the rustic Korean countryside, "When The Weather Is Fine" tells the deferred love story of Mok HyeWon, played by Park MinYoung, and Lim EunSeob, played by Seo KangJoon. HyeWon is a cellist who returns to the countryside after being disillusioned by the big city, and EunSeob is a bookstore owner who has been in love with HyeWon since they were in school together. This is one of those K-Dramas that have something new to offer every time you watch it. In fall, you can truly appreciate the warmth and slow pace of the drama as well as its healing nature - ju

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