The Most Handsome 4th Generation Male K-Pop Idols (Part 1)

FNC Entertainment / DONGYO Entertainment / MBC / BELIFT LAB / Starship Entertainment

The visuals of an idol or group often serve as one of the most attractive and appealing points they possess that makes fans fall in love with them. While talents and personalities are seen as the top most important factors, visuals are still right up there in the criteria as well.

Like the previous generations, the 4th generation of male idol groups is filled with handsome members who with their dreamy good looks, in addition to their talents of course, continue to garner massive popularity for both themselves and their groups as well.

While there is an endless list of idol members who rightfully deserve the title "visuals", here are just a handful we believe are the most handsome 4th generation male idols.ย 

P.S., for this themed article, we picked only one member from the groups listed here who may or may not hold the official visual position in their groups. At the end of this theme article, there is a fun poll. The results of this poll will be published on the 23rd of May 2023.ย 


1. ATEEZ's SeongHwa

The Most Handsome 4th Generation Male K-Pop Idols (Part 1)

KQ Entertainment

SeongHwa visuals are the epitome of the phrase "out of this world" as more often than not, many might find themselves begging the question "how a human could look this handsome?" With facial features so stunning and an aura so mesmerizing, SeongHwa is easily one of the most handsome male idols across all generations.


2. TREASURE's Haruto

The Most Handsome 4th Generation Male K-Pop Idols (Part 1)


Since he came into the spotlight, asides from his flavorful rap skills, one of the most talked about topics in relation to Haruto is how handsome he looks and that is quite understandable. A visual deserving all th

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