The Hottest Korean Celebs Who Should Be On "Hong SeokCheon's Jewelry Box" Next

e.L.e / "Hong SeokCheon's Jewelry Box" YouTube Channel

Do you like finding out about the hottest guys in the Korean entertainment industry? Then, Hong SeokCheon's YouTube show, "Hong SeokCheon's Jewelry Box" is just the right place for you.

"Hong SeokCheon's Jewelry Box" is currently one of the most entertaining contents on YouTube. The self-proclaimed "Top Gay" celebrity hosts this talk show to introduce and interview some of the most attractive male celebrities who fit his standards for being a "gem". Some of these standards take into consideration the celebrity's look, smile, height, and voice, among other things.

With Hong SeokCheon's penchant for discovering the hottest hidden gems and his confidence that they will make it in the industry, he has almost become a "verifier" of their charms and handsome visuals.

So far, celebrities like Kim DoHoon, WEi's Kim YoHan, THE BOYZ's JuYeon, Lee JunYoung, and BaekHo have appeared on the show as Hong SeokCheon's gems. Here are some more celebrities who we think would totally meet Hong SeokCheon's high standards and should appear on his show!

Note: This list is not a ranking.


1. Ahn BoHyun

The Hottest Korean Celebs Who Should Be On "Hong SeokCheon's Jewelry Box" Next

Ahn BoHyun's Instagram

Ahn BoHyun has been one of the leading actors who shaped the Korean wave this

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