Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic

Hendery's Instagram

One of the most musically innovative groups, WayV, also has some of the most unique members. While their music is undeniably some of the best in the industry, each member’s personality brings fans some amazing entertainment as well.

Through variety shows, vlogs, V-Lives, and more, we have come to know the members on a deeper level. As such, it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that we have gathered just enough knowledge to be able to tell that the WAYV members are nothing short of absolute entertainers in their own right, even when they’re not trying to be. While each member has their own unique quirks, we’re ranking them from most to least chaotic. 


7. WinWin

Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic

WinWin's Instagram

WinWin is more cute than chaotic and more sarcastic than confrontational. What makes him unique is his sense of humour that you'll hardly ever see coming. However, before someone else can react to it, you'll find him rolling over laughing at it himself. Whenever he does that, we can't help but gush over him!


6. Kun

Rating The WayV Members From The Least To The Most Chaotic

Kun's Instagram

Kun is the resident parent of the group but that is not to say that he doesn't have a bit of the wild side in him. However, his style is rather playful and based o