No One's Doing It Like YOUNG POSSE - The K-HipHop Idol Group Worth Looking Out For

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One of the most exciting, game-changing debuts in the 5th generation of K-Pop has been YOUNG POSSE and we're placing our bets on this group remaining just as iconic ten years down the line as it is now. Why? Because YOUNG POSSE knows who they are and what they want to be, at least musically.

YOUNG POSSE is a new K-Pop girl group (with members SunHye, YeonJung, Jiana, DoEun, and JiEun) that debuted in October of 2023 and instantly caught attention for their kitschy debut track 'Macaroni Cheese'. Needless to say, the music video for 'Macaroni Cheese' and the very theme of it were bold choices, but it sure helped YOUNG POSSE stand out among the numerous idol groups debuting every other day in an industry that is often labelled as saturated.

However, this differentiating factor was not just YOUNG POSSE's concept. In fact, once K-Pop fans looked past the over-the-top aesthetics and campy direction of the music video (which admittedly, cannot be to everyone's taste), 'Macaroni Cheese' served as a wonderful introduction to the members' polished talents, naturally raising curiosity about the b-sides of their debut EP.

YOUNG POSSE's first EP "Macaroni Cheese" establishes their musical iden