Netizens Compare Flip Phone And More With IZ*ONE's ChaeWon Face, Shocked By How Small It Is


If you did not know already, having a small face is considered to be beautiful in Korean standards. As such, it is common to hear Koreans compliment one another when they notice someone with a small face.

In the K-Pop industry, there are many idols with noticeable small faces such as , 's YoSeob and so on.

Recently, netizens noticed that 's ChaeWon face is surprisingly small!

They compared it with a flip phone, face mask and many other items. Take a look for yourself.

Netizens Compare Flip Phone And More With IZ*ONE's ChaeWon Face, Shocked By How Small It Is


While using her flip phone, netizens noticed that only about two-third of her face could be covered by the device!

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