Meet The Characters From The Idol Web Drama "Love In Black Hole" Described By The Cast

WJSN's Instagram / BAE173's Instagram

"Love in Black Hole" is a web drama that was released on Sep. 17, 2021, at 6 PM KST. Fans have been anticipating the drama's release since the cast was announced!

The drama stars BAE173's HanGyul, WJSN's SeolA, SF9's JaeYoon, BAE173's DoHa, and DIA's HuiHyeon. It is a star-studded idol drama! In recent interviews, each of the cast members described their character.


BAE173's HanGyul - TaeYang

Meet The Characters From The Idol Web Drama "Love In Black Hole" Described By The Cast

Big Picture Mart's Instagram

In the script, his character, TaeYang, is described as a brightly shining man, as EunHa's male friend and an astronomy major but his position in the faculty is vague.

HanGyul described TaeYang as EunHa's close friend who loves music and wants to share it with everyone. He says that they are similar because they both love music in a passionate way.


WJSN's SeolA - EunHa

Meet The Characters From The Idol Web Drama "Love In Black Hole" Described By The Cast

Big Picture Mart's Instagram

In the script, EunHa is described as a girl who is the only one who doesn't recognize her own charms.ย 

SeolA described her as a very bright, smart, and refreshing person who loves jokes. SeolA says they are the most similar because in front of people they seem really bright and outgoing, but when they are alone they think very deeply and seriously.ย 


SF9's JaeYoon

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