Korean Movie "The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure" Is Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Worldwide

Lotte Entertainment

One of the most highly awaited movies of 2022, "The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure" was recently released on Netflix for viewers worldwide. "The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure" features a star-studded cast including Kang HaNeul, Han HyoJoo, Chae SooBin, EXO's SeHun, Lee KwangSoo, and Kwon SangWoo.

Korean Movie "The Pirates: The Last Royal Treasure" Is Currently Ranked The 3rd Most Popular Movie On Netflix Worldwide

Lotte Entertainment

It tells the story of a group of pirates and bandits who vow to find the eponymous last royal treasure. The movie opened with incredible box office response, taking the number 1 spot for 14 consecutive days, proving its immense success. As such, it is not surprising that the m