The K-Film "Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds," which premiered in 2017, is gaining popularity on HBO Max recently. The film was based on a webtoon series of the same title, written and illustrated by by Joo HoMin. The movie stars Ha JungWoo, Ju JiHoon, Kim HyangGi, Cha TaeHyun, Kim DongWook, Ma DongSeok,ย and EXO's D.O.
"Along With The Gods: The Two Worlds" revolves around the afterlife journey of firefighter Kim JaHong (Cha TaeHyun). Upon his unexpected death, JaHong is escorted to the afterlife by three grim reapers: GangRim (Ha JungWoo), Hae WonMaek (Ju JiHoon), and Lee DeokChoon (Kim Hy
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