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Check out the ratings of Korean drama from March 2022.
Stay daily updated about K-Drama ratings here.
Wednesday-Thursday Ratings
Wednesday-Thursday K-Dramas’ ratings are back!
5th Week of March
"Thirty, Nine" ended and its ratings increased with its last episode reaching its best-ever ratings at 8.1%. For information, the drama started at 4.4%.
"Sponsor" ratings decreased.
"Kill Heel" ratings decreased.
Monday-Tuesday Ratings
Monday-Tuesday K-Dramas’ ratings are back!
5th Week of March
"Crazy Love" ratings were higher than last week overall.
"Military Prosecutor Doberman" did not air this week.
"Business Proposal" achieved its highest ratings yet with 11.6%. The drama has been on a constant rise since its start.
Friday-Saturday-Sunday Ratings
Friday-Saturday-Sunday K-Dramas’ ratings are back!
"Young Lady and Gentleman" ended and the following KBS weekend drama is "It's Beautiful Now" with Yoon ShiYoon, Bae DaBin, Oh MinSuk, Shin DongMi, Seo BumJune, and Choi YeBin.
"Tomorrow" will start on MBC with Kim HeeSeon, SF9’s RoWoon, Lee SooHyuk, and Yoon JiOn.
4th Week of March
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