[UPDATED] K-Drama "Moving" Enters The Disney+ Top 10 Shows Of 16 Countries


Update (September 19)

"Moving" is gaining more and more viewers, which is evident with its entrance in the Disney+ top 10 of multiple countries. The drama is currently trending in 16 countries like Albania, Bulgaria, Croatia, Estonia, Hong Kong, and more.

[UPDATED] K-Drama "Moving" Enters The Disney+ Top 10 Shows Of 16 Countries

FlixPatrol Screenshot (9/19/2023)


Original Article (August 18)

Disney+ K-Drama "Moving" has been gaining attention as it combines K-Drama elements with Western-style superhero narrative, impressive CGI, and a talented cast. The series offers its viewers a one-of-a-kind experience. The starstudded cast of the drama includes Ryu SeungRyong,