Jeon Do-yeon Returns to Theater After 27 Years with 'The Cherry Orchard'

Renowned actress Jeon DoYeon has made a grand return to the theater stage after 27 years, starring in the play 'The Cherry Orchard.' In an interview with Xports News on the 11th at LG Arts Center Seoul, Jeon candidly shared her mixed emotions about her return. "I feel a lot of pressure, but it's also very enjoyable," she admitted, expressing her honest feelings.

Jeon reflected on the unique stimulation and new energy she receives from performing on stage. "After acting for so long, I wondered what new energy or work I could receive. Through 'The Cherry Orchard,' I've gained fresh energy and I'm trying to enjoy it," she said with a smile.

She also spoke about her growing familiarity with the stage and the audience. "There are ten actors in total, and our chemistry is great. They have such solid acting skills that I feel reassured, knowing they can handle any mistakes I might make. Although I can't make eye contact with the audience yet, I plan to enjoy the experience together with them more and more," she revealed.

'The Cherry Orchard' is a Korean adaptation of Anton Chekhov's original play, directed by Simon Stone, who has collaborated with prestigious institutions such as the Nati

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