"Island" is a TVING drama based on the manhwa (manga) and webtoon of the same title (it is one of the numerous dramas based on webtoon of 2022). It is a Korean fantasy exorcism story based on Jeju Island folk tales.
Kim NamGil, Lee DaHee, ASTRO's Cha EunWoo, and Sung Joon are the leads of this drama.
Kim NamGil is a veteran actor who has acted in numerous movies and dramas including the recent dramas "The Fiery Priest", and "Through the Darkness". Lee DaHee has been stealing the heart of K-Drama viewers with her role in "The Beauty Inside", "Search: WWW", "L.U.C.A: The Beginning", and "Love Is for Suckers".
As for Cha EunWoo, he will be back to the small screen with another webtoon adaptation after webtoon-based dramas "My ID is Gangnam Beauty" and "True Beauty". Cha EunWoo is a popular actor and he especially received a lot of love for his role in "True Beauty". He will try a new genre with this project. You can check his versatility in his roles, here.
Sung Joon is well known for being part of the Model Avengers (with Kim YoungKwang, Lee SooHyuk, Kim WooBin, Hong JongHyun) and has acted in "White Christmas", "I Need Romance 3", "High Society" and more.
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