Golden Child's JangJun And JiBeom Become Models For 'Dashing Diva'

It looks like things are doing well for as two of their members, JangJun and JiBeom, were recently selected to become the model for 'Dashing Diva'.

For those who do not know, 'Dashing Diva' is a nail press brand with a variety of designs, colors and style. In the past, 's SeolHyun was also their model.

The two idols were seen in their recently released pictorials, causing many of their fans to become excited.

Golden Child's JangJun And JiBeom Become Models For 'Dashing Diva'

Olive Young

In addition to the promotions which they will be doing with 'Dashing Diva', it was announced that they will be having a live session June 15, 7 PM KST through 'Olive Young' m

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