Girl Crush: The Dazzling Actress Seor InA And All The Reasons Why You Should Love Her

Seor InA's Instagram

Seor InA is one of the Korean actresses stealing the show in the K-Drama scene right now. With her stellar performance in the 2022 drama "Business Proposal", she has won over a whole new range of fans, exponentially expanding her fandom. Many have fallen for her multitude of talents and charms, essentially dubbing her their sweetheart and girl crush.

A 'girl crush' is defined as a woman or girl who is the object of one's admiration. In other words, one of the female K-Pop idols or Korean actresses that fans wish was their best friend or girlfriend. This can be based on their style, personality, overall vibe, etc.

Check out our series featuring girl crushes in the Korean entertainment industry here.

Welcome to the seventy-second article of Kpopmap's weekly series "Girl Crush"!

Before starting this week's series, you can vote for who you want to see featured in next week's article. If you would like to see a different idol/actress (not mentioned in the poll) featured in the series, please leave their name in the comments and we will add them to the vote over time.

(3rd Week of Jan.) Who would you like to see in the next "Girl Crush" article?

~ Jan 21, 2023