(G)I-DLE's 'Wife' Is A Clever Absurdist Take On Patriarchy | K-Pop Explained

(G)I-DLE's YouTube

We've all heard 'Wife' by (G)I-DLE, and we all agree that it's an absolute bop, but what does it mean?

Ever since (G)I-DLE dropped 'Wife', the internet has been bustling with discourse and hot takes over the message behind 'Wife'. It doesn't take long to realize the feminist undertones but there is far more to it than just that. (G)I-DLE brings us an incredibly clever, educated, and biting message through 'Wife' - every element of which is worth analysis. So, let's get into it!


Who Is (G)I-DLE's 'Wife' Addressed To?

The key to grasping the true meaning behind 'Wife' is acknowledging the purpose and intention behind the song. 'Wife' is directly addressed to the heteronormative male gaze. It is safe to assume that the "you" and "your" in the lyrics refers to a heterosexual man because it is from heteronormative relationships that the concept of a traditional or rather, the conventional wife comes from. The song is not, presumably, addressed to queer couples. At the same time, it is not just any man that (G)I-DLE is pointing at with this song, thus allaying suspicions of "man-hating" feminism. The song employs a sharp "if the shoe fits" approach, targeting the oppressive, patriarc