Find Out More About Song HyeKyo & Jeon YeoBeen's Upcoming Film "Wicked Nuns"

Song HyeKyo's IG / Jeon YeoBeen's IG

A power duo might be coming to our screens very soon and we're talking about none other than Song HyeKyo and Jeon YeoBeen, who have both been offered leading roles in the upcoming supernatural thriller film "Wicked Nuns".

Song HyeKyo and Jeon YeoBeen are reportedly reviewing their offers positively and as such, there is a high chance that we may see them together on screen for "Wicked Nuns". If Song HyeKyo accepts the offer, this film will be her grand return to the Korean silver screen after 9 years. If Jeon YeoBeen accepts the offer, it will undoubtedly cement her position as the future of C