The SamSan Tech trio is already gathering a lot of fans with the first two episodes of "Start-Up".

Suzy,ย Nam JooHyuk,ย Kim SeonHo, andย Kang HanNaย are the lead actors of this drama. It tells the story of a young people who dream of success and who start working in start-ups in the Korean Silicon Valley. It tells their 'START' and their growth 'UP'.

In the first episodes of the drama, the three engineers working at the starting company SamSan Tech were introduced to the viewers. Nam JooHyuk as Nam DoSan, Kim DoWan as Kim YoungSan, and Yoo SuBin as Lee CheolSan are the hilarious trio.

Find Out About The 2 Actors Acting With Nam JooHyuk In The Fun SamSan Tech Trio In "Start-Up"


They are developing AI technology in an old rooftop room. The trio is struggling to get investment but they are passionate about what they are developing.

Find Out About The 2 Actors Acting With Nam JooHyuk In The Fun SamSan Tech Trio In "Start-Up"


Find Out About The 2 Actors Acting With Nam JooHyuk In The Fun SamSan Tech Trio In "Start-Up"


The three men have perfect chemistry and are close to each other. The name of the company was made from their name as they have 3 (sam in Korean) San in all their names. Their fashion is also quite similar with their checkered shirts.

Nam JooHyuk is at the cent

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