Find Out About Actor Kim SeungHo Who Took A Picture With Kim SooHyun

GOLDMEDALIST / Kim SooHyun's Instagram

It seems like the GOLDMEDALIST family is close!

On Oct. 16, Kim SooHyun posted a picture of him and labelmate rookie actor Kim SeungHo on his Instagram. You might be new to Kim SeungHo so here are more about him.

Find Out About Actor Kim SeungHo Who Took A Picture With Kim SooHyun

Kim SooHyun's Instagram

Kim SeungHo was born in 2001 and is 184cm. He used to be a basketball player.

Find Out About Actor Kim SeungHo Who Took A Picture With Kim SooHyun


The actor is currently attending ChungAng University in the acting department. Kim SooHyun also attended this school in the same department, he is the 51st batch and Kim SeungHo the 62nd batch.

He just debuted in the new Playlist web drama "My Fuxxxxx Romance" as one of t

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