Fantasy K-Drama "The Golden Spoon" Continues Its Impressive Popularity Streak By Ranking In The Top 3 in 6 Asian Countries On Disney+


A shocking revelation, a dramatic yet so brilliant twist, a traumatic realization, a bitter truth, and a shocking death. The last 2 episodes of the fantasy drama "The Golden Spoon" has been pure climactic gold that has left viewers more engrossed than ever. Starring BTOBโ€™s SungJaeย as Lee SeungCheon,ย Lee JongWonย as Hwang TaeYong,ย DIAโ€™s ChaeYeonย as Na JooHee, andย YeonWoo as Oh YeoJin,, the series continues its impressive popularity streak thanks to its engrossing plot and stellar acting by its young actors.

Fantasy K-Drama "The Golden Spoon" Continues Its Impressive Popularity Streak By Ranking In The Top 3 in 6 Asian Countries On Disney+


As the series slowly comes to an end, it is even more dramatic than ever as