MBC Entertainment
The K-Pop community has become laser-focused on MBC’s “Fantasy Boys” as it nears its dramatic end. The contestants continuously raise the bar of competition ever higher, surprising everyone from netizens to the mentors that have watched over them. Their overflowing passion shows just how determined they are to make it into the debut group.
Through the competition program, we get to see everything from new performances to behind the scene chemistry between our favorite trainees. Episode 8 was no different as it once again put the idol hopefuls face to face with yet another set of challenges.
Here’s a recap of what happened last week on MBC’s “Fantasy Boys”.
Warning: spoilers ahead.
1. Reenergizing 'Energetic' Team
Team ‘Energetic’ originally consisted of Ha SeokHee, Hwang JaeMin, Kang DaeHyeon, Moon HyunBin, Kim GyuRae, Hayato, and Song DuHyun. When the group was introduced, those in attendance could not hide their excitement, shouting cries of outpouring support.
Team ‘Energetic’ was filled with impressive vocalists that could reach the high notes with ease. However, the two rappers of the group, Kim GyuRae and Kang DaeHyeon, faced some trouble while prepa
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