"D.P. Season 2" Ending Explained: Small Victories, The Importance Of Shin SeungHo's Cameo & How JunHo Saved Himself


One of the most highly anticipated K-Dramas of 2023, "D.P. Season 2", was finally released on July 28, much to the joy of fans worldwide. This sequel comes two years after the first season, which achieved major global success and was highly acclaimed by critics and fans alike. The second season takes it one step further, delving into even darker subject matter and steadily marching towards a conclusion that surely counts as a satisfying ending but, by no means, a happy one. So, here's our explanation of what the "D.P. Season 2" ending means!

Spoiler Alert!

"D.P. Season 2" Ending Explained: Small Victories, The Importance Of Shin SeungHo's Cameo & How JunHo Saved Himself


Park BeomGu (Kim SungKyun) hands in the USB containing Jeong HyeongBeom's (Kwon DaHam) autopsy report and a report on the first round of shots to the court as evidence, proving that the man was not, in fact, killed instantly, but rather due to negligence as the rescue helicopter request was put on hold. As the USB also contained records of previously manipulated cases, the court is forced to acknowledge state liability for some, while others are ordered to be re-investigated. While this is certainly a victory, Park BeomGu is arrested as a consequence of whistleblowing and violating the National Security Act. So, in the end, he's the one who decides to take responsibility.

JunHo (Jung HaeIn) must complete a stint at the base prison and HoYeol (Koo KyoHwan) returns to life as a civilian, having fulfilled his military service. It's clear that things didn't turn out ideally, but Park BeomGu acknowledges that what matters is that a change was made in the right direction that might lead to a cleaner victory next time. T

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