Catch The Young "Debut Diaries" Interview: "I Felt Quite Numb When We First Debuted.."


2023 has been a fantastic year for Korean entertainment, with several prestigious accolades brought to the nation by K-Pop artists. At the same time, we also saw the rise of a new era of passionate and gifted idols, with the emergence of the 5th generation of K-Pop. Catch The Young is one such K-Pop boy band that debuted this year, impressing fans all over the world.

Signed to Evermore Entertainment, the 5-member band Catch The Young with JungMo on the drums, guitarist KiHoon, bassist/sub-vocalist Sani, main vocalist NamHyun, and keyboardist/vocalist JunYong, may have flown below your K-Pop radar, but their talent simply cannot be ignored. With a self-produced debut album as refined as a comeback, Catch The Young is kicking off their career with a strong statement - they know their artistic purpose, and it is not something that can be compromised.

Catch The Young "Debut Diaries" Interview: "I Felt Quite Numb When We First Debuted.."


The aforementioned debut EP is called "Catch The Young : Fragments Of Youth", with the title track 'YOUTH!!!', which is a wonderful representation of the members' dedication - be that to their careers, their audience, or their message. In a subtle yet profound manner, the song also appears to encapsulate Catch The Young's personal promise to themselves and each other - a promise to shine on, and when artists infuse such conviction in their music, the emotional resonance is bound to captivate and move us as well.

Describing their signature style as "youth pop rock", Catch The Young's music is as versatile and colorful as the hues of youth. It is multi-dimensional, touching on the pains and pleasures, dreams

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