Naver X Dispatch
No doubt that the drama "Extraordinary You" is extremely popular in and out of Korea. It is not only one of the most talked about dramas of the moment based on Good Data Corporation but the drama making videos also have high views, one of them reached over 1 million already. On online communities, many are talking about the drama and the actors.
In the middle of this, there is none other than the main actor of the drama, acting as HaRu, SF9‘s RoWoon. His Instagram followers are increasing significantly day by day. SF9 fan cafe members and social media followers are also increasing. RoWoon's fancams and SF9 MVs views are also increasing. He is the rising idol of the moment!
For new fans of RoWoon from the drama, here is a quick introduction of the acting-dol to help you fall in love even more with him. He is not only a good actor, tall, and handsome, but he also has so many other charms. Find them out below.
1- Basic Information
RoWoon was born Kim SeokWoo on Aug. 7, 1996. He is a member of SF9 and debuted in 2016. He trained for 6 years and was the 2nd member to enter FNC.
His official height used to be 189cm, he recently revealed that he was 190.5cm (current official height). However, many FANTASY still believes he is 192cm and that is why it is common to see RoWoon's height written as 192cm. His perfect ratio and especially tall height impressed many.
2- Amazing voice
RoWoon has a beautiful voice. Yes, he has
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