After four years since its first installment, "I-LAND 2" made its highly-anticipated premiere, making multiple headlines. The program features a stacked producer lineup that includes BIGBANG's TaeYang, music producers VVN and 24, along with performance directors PROWDMON's Monikaย ANDย YGX's LeeJung. Ultimately produced by the iconic TEDDY, there was a lot of hype heading into the idol survival show.
"I-LAND 2" started off with 24 contestants, which has been drastically cut down to 12. Now, just one more round of eliminations remains before the finals to decide it all. The contestants have been delivering on all accounts, moving toward their dreams without looking back. As its known, the final debut lineup has been revealed to have six spots that all the idol hopefuls are vying for. After a riveting "Main Position Test", while some trainees were able to retain their spot in the debut lineup, there were some notable changes that had many in shock and disbelief.
However, an argument can be made that the current top contestants definitely deserve their spot in the top 6, constantly providing a showcase of outstanding talent and skill.
Note: these are the current rankings as per the re
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