IDOLCHAMP Voting Guide: How To Vote & Get Cheap Ruby Chamsim To Use On IDOLCHAMP (10%+ Discounts Available) - Including Tutorial Video


Do you wish more people knew about your favorite K-Pop idol or group?

Have you always wanted to gift your idol an ad in the subway?

๐Ÿ† Do you get excited to see your idol win on music shows like "Show Champion"? ๐Ÿ†

Are you wondering how to make all of this possible for your idol?

๐Ÿ’— How about buying Ruby Chamsim (red hearts) to support your idol on IDOLCHAMP? ๐Ÿ’—

What are we talking about?

For those of you who don't know, IDOLCHAMP is an app where you can vote for your favorite K-Pop idol or group in certain categories. The idols who get the most votes then win an award or some kind of promotional prize. The app is also used to collect pre-votes (points) for the music show "Show Champion" too.

You've never heard of this app and you want to try it? Or you've used the app before but find it difficult to use? We've compiled the ultimate voting guide that will help make your IDOLCHAMP voting experience smoother.



Some K-Pop fans might not know what IDOLCHAMP is for. As we mentioned before, the idols who are voted for on IDOLCHAMP win different rewards for their fans' efforts. Some of these possible awards/benefits include (to name a few):

  • ๐Ÿ† Your favo