Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever ("True Beauty" Han SeoJun X Reader AU) Chapter 2

wisconsinpictures on Unsplash / Kpopmap

Disclaimer: "True Beauty" is the intellectual property of Yaongyi and tvN. This work is based on the fictional universe of the drama and bears no resemblance to real people, places, or events.

Word Count: 2.5k

Genre: Romance, Fluff.

T/W: None

Author's Note: I hope this work brings you joy and comfort when you need it the most.

*Y/N - Your (Reader's) Name; Reader's dialogues are in purple;ย Han SeoJun's dialogues are in red.

OC (Original Characters): Y/N's best friend/colleague Hyuk, SeoJun's puppy Dal.


Read Chapter 1 here:


Chapter 2: Missed Connections

Fan Fiction: The Anatomy Of Forever ("True Beauty" Han SeoJun X Reader AU) Chapter 2



*Y/N's POV*

"I'll see you at the concert tomorrow. Let's meet under the street lamp!" The words kept ringing in your head as you woke up in a daze the next morning. To be fair, it was already the "next morning" by the time you got home last night, but you managed to sneak in a couple of hours' worth of sleep nonetheless. Dragging yourself out of bed, you stood in front of the mirror, taking a good look as if to assure yourself that you were not in a dream. You looked awfully well-rested for the bare minimum sleep you got, perhaps because you were satisfied with your work but most likely because your heart was happy.

Before you knew it, you found yourself smiling in thought, recalling the whimsical moments when SeoJun made your heart flutter. You couldn't help but wonder, was it the moonlight that made him look oh so angelic? Wa