Earlier, in 2021, it was revealed that actress Shin HyeSun and U-KISS' Lee JunYoung will be pairing up on the silver screen for the webtoon-based film "Brave Citizen", raising expectations among fans of both the webtoon and the actors. The original webtoon was created by author Kim JungHyun and is hugely popular among readers for its gripping storyline, strong female protagonist, and its unique brand of justice.
2021 was full of incredible webtoon adaptations and in 2022 as well, we have an impressive roster of adaptations coming our way. "Brave Citizen" tells the story of a former hapkido champion, So SiMin (to be played by Shin HyeSun) who encounters the harshness of reality and has to work as a part-time teacher at a regular school. Her only goal now is to become a full-time teacher and have a stable and uneventful life. However, she is once again faced with injustice, harassment, corruption, bullying, and so on and so forth. Despite her attempts at keeping a low profile, she is unable to simply sit back and watch her students suffer.
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