K-Pop Explained: ASTRO's Rocky Represents The Blooming Of The Self In "ROCKY GA HOWGETZ : ICE FLOWER"

ASTRO's Twitter

Recently, ASTRO's Rocky released a brilliantly sentimental and cinematic dance/choreography video titled "ROCKY GA HOWGETZ : ICE FLOWER" on YouTube which garnered incredible attention from viewers, including both AROHA as well as others who were drawn to the video because of its artistic quality alone. In other words, Rocky's collaboration with AROHA brought forth a gift for not only the latter but for the world of art in general and was received with the utmost grace and joy. 


It all started when Rocky shared his plans for filming an exclusive dance video where he'll be selecting the song, making the choreography, and directing the entire thing. The song he chose was Hikaru Utada and Skrillex's 'Face My Fears'. He then called for a Rocky-Roha V-Live meeting where he decided on the title of the video. Right from the beginning, Rocky placed immense importance on his audience and their opinions to make sure that the message he intended to put across was received universally without being lost in translation. 

K-Pop Explained: ASTRO's Rocky Represents The Blooming Of The Self In "ROCKY GA HOWGETZ : ICE FLOWER"


While discussing the concept itself, Rocky revealed that the idea he had was to visualize and present himself as an ice flower. An ice flower is not a flower of ice but rather a flower that has been taken over by ice or frost. To Rocky, the frost that has covered the beautifully bright flower represents the perspective of others that is often projected onto it. This is not to say that it is perceived negatively or with indifference but rather that one's projection is often a reflection of their own self. Such external gaze tends to build pressure on the sub