Netizens Are Envious Of NU'EST's MinHyun Flawless Skin In 'DAZED' Magazine


Have you ever looked at a K-Pop idol and just stare at them because they have such good skin?

Well, it looks like 's MinHyun is one of them as he is causing many K-Pop fans to just gasp and look at his flawless skin.

Not long ago, photos of the photoshoot which he had done with 'Lancome' in 'DAZED' magazine were released online. Those who had seen it could not help but complimented his smooth and flawless skin.

Netizens Are Envious Of NU'EST's MinHyun Flawless Skin In 'DAZED' Magazine


Netizens Are Envious Of NU'EST's MinHyun Flawless Skin In 'DAZED' Magazine


In some photos, he was also seen holding other makeup products from 'Lancome' such as a lipstick.

Netizens Are Envious Of NU'EST's MinHyun Flawless Skin In 'DAZED' Magazine


Netizens Are Envious Of NU'EST's MinHyun Flawless Skin In 'DAZED' Magazine


Through different outfits and styling, MinHyun also seemed to c

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