8 Idols Who Rocked Berets Hat (End Of 2022 & Early 2023 Edition)

Mnet / 8TURN's Twitter

We're all in love with idols' fashion, especially when they come out with some unique accessories to highlight their outfits. May it be special bags, incredible shoes, or even some pair of jewelry, we love to see our favorite artists' unique items. But hats are also an accessory often used by idols, and it's always a win in the fans' hearts. No matter what form or color, hats are always a perfect fit for idols. But one type of hat fans are especially fond of is the beret hat.

The French beret is an item that idols and fans can't get enough of. Even if there are some new variations of it, all types of beret hats are pretty cool! First, it is that one item that often allows us to see idols' foreheads clearly, and we love it. But it is also an item that automatically gives idols a very chic and elegant look, so, of course, it's a must-have! No matter the material it's. made of, the color, or details, berets are looking perfect on idols. So let's take a look at 8 idols wearing berets at the end of 2022 and the beginning of 2023!

Note: this is not a ranking.


1. TRENDZ's YeChan

 8 Idols Who Rocked Berets Hat (End Of 2022 & Early 2023 Edition)

TRENDZ's Twitter

During TRENDZ's last promotion, a few of YeChan's outfits were including a beret, and it lo