JYP Official / @WintersonneR
It never gets old looking forward to an idol’s hairstyles and hair colours. Back in the prime of second generation K-Pop groups, an idol switching up their hairstyle or colour was considered the first spoiler for a group’s or a soloist’s comeback. It’s still a thing till today, as idols sometimes take extra care to hide their new locks under layers of beanies and caps to keep fans guessing what look their favourite idols would sport.
Female K-Pop idols have been experimenting with blonde hair for years. Among the numerous idols that have gone bright, there are the select few that really own the hair colour. Here, you’ll see 8 female idols that could have easily been natural blondes.
1. TWICE’s NaYeon
Two months ahead of her solo debut, NaYeon stunned ONCE with cool blonde locks. This apparently has been overdue, as fans have been anticipating a blonde NaYeon for years. The hair colour suits her so well, you wouldn’t be able to imagine her as a brunette any longer. The way the light tone of her locks complement her creamy skin tone is absolutely gorgeous, too.
JooE is known for breaking the internet with her hair colour
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