7 Male K-Pop Idols Who Are Known To Be Impressive Cooks

Starship Entertainment / SM Entertainment / Arena Homme

It's well known that K-Pop idols spend countless hours honing their skills in the practice room. Since their goal is to stand on stage, they put in the work to become the best performer that they can be. Although they spend much of their time as an idol, that doesn't stop them from learning other skills and hobbies like painting, photography, and cooking.

Some idols are actually known for being the chef of the group, creating mouth-watering meals for the rest of their members. They've been acknowledged everywhere and even fans know of their successful cooking experiences. In another life, we're sure that these idols could be the head cook of a restaurant if they wanted.

Now, let's take a look at some of these idol chefs down below.


1. NCT's TaeYong

TaeYong is a multi-talented all rounder, able to sing, dance, and rap on top of being the leader of NCT. But his talents don't end in the practice room, because it's quite well known that he is an amazing cook. His skills have been recognized by other singers who are sincere in their praise. We would definitely be a loyal customer in Chef TaeYong's kitchen!


2. iKON's Song

With his family owning a BBQ restaurant, it only seems nat

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