13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

BLACKPINK Official Facebook / UNIVERSE Official Twitter

March has just begun but fans are already busy with the amount of comebacks and debuts that will happen in this month. If you are curious to learn which groups and solo artists will be releasing new music, make sure to check out our schedule here.

Kpopmap noticed that there are at least 13 solo artists who will be dropping their new music and let's found out who they are below!



 13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

YUKIKA Official

City-Pop singer YUKIKA is back with her first mini album and will be pre-releasing the song 'Love Month' on March 2, 6 PM KST.

It has been a while since we had heard from her and if you are interested to look back at the exclusive interview we had done earlier with her, make sure to check it out here.



 13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

Rain Instagram

Yes you did not see it wrong! Rain will be releasing his new album "Pieces by Rain" this coming March 3, 6 PM KST!

Earlier, he had released the special performance video of him with for the collaboration 'WHY DON'T WE'.



 13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

DEMIAN Official

Give it up for DEMIAN as he will be releasing his 4th single 'A Blue not Blues' on March 3, 6 PM KST.

To greet and thank his fans who have been supporting him all along, he also mentioned that he will be holding a countdown V-Live and you can watch it from here.



 13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

UNIVERSE Official Twitter

While this is not exactly a comeback, Park JiHoon will be releasing a special track, 'CALL U UP', through the recently launched app 'UNIVERSE' on March 4.

Previously, we had also talked about it and many fans are excited over the song as it is produced by PRIMARY and features vocal powerhouse .


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 13 K-Pop Solo Comebacks And Debut You Do Not Want To Miss In March 2021

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