6 Rookie Idols Who Are The New Visual Princes Of K-Pop (Part 2)

Interpark Music Plus / IST Entertainment / P NATION / YueHua Entertainment

Each year, there are many new groups making their debuts, all poised with an array of charms that they hope to use to sway the hearts of global fans. And frankly one of these charms is their visuals.

Visuals continue to be one of the major aspects of a K-Pop idol that makes many fans attracted to them. Their strikingly good looks perhaps could be the additional bonus that added with the rest of their talents, makes them an instant favorite to global fans.

Handsome is perhaps not enough to describe the visuals of these rookie idols as they have the power to make everyone swoon over their captivating good looks with ease.

While there are so many idols who are also equally handsome, here are our picks of the most handsome rookie idols, whose visuals will make you fall in love with them.


1. ATBO's Kim YeonKyu

 6 Rookie Idols Who Are The New Visual Princes Of K-Pop (Part 2)

IST Entertainment

 6 Rookie Idols Who Are The New Visual Princes Of K-Pop (Part 2)

IST Entertainment

When it comes to visuals, The ATBO members are all top tier as their dreamy good looks can make the hearts of everyone beat faster in admiration for them. However, there is just something so captivating about Kim YeonKyu's visuals that immediately draws and holds your gaze. He is simply gorgeous and deserves to be on your stan list.


2. TRE

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