5 Times Playing The K-Drama Villain Affected The Actors Negatively

Shin YeEun's Instagram / Management Soop

One thing that can make or break a K-Drama is the antagonist. While protagonists might seem to get all the good credit for the success of a work, villains are equally indispensable. Without a solid villain, a story would fall flat and even affect the rest of the characters! So, when an actor is seen taking on the role of a villain, their acting chops are immediately praised. In fact, the worse a villain is in a film or drama, the better the impression the actor has on his audience.

However, playing the villain is not all sunshine and roses. Getting into these complexly evil characters can take a toll on the actors' mental health and sometimes even physical health. Here are 5 actors whose lives were affected negatively from playing villains!


1. Shin YeEun

 5 Times Playing The K-Drama Villain Affected The Actors Negatively


The legendary villain Park YeonJin from "The Glory" is played in her younger years by Shin YeEun. This was a role unlike anything we'd seen from the actress before, and while her performance was phenomenal, it did leave her with a troubled time. Shin YeEun shared that she had nightmares from how agitated the character made her and she couldn't sleep without earplugs on. In addition, the radical hate messages she received

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