After a game of intense wits, forlorn longing, and a seemingly unending battle for the throne, historical K-Drama "Captivating The King" has come to its climactic end. With Cho JungSeok and Shin SaeKyeong at its helm, as the drama's name suggests, audiences were captivated by the tvN series from the start.
Now that it's over, however, there will surely be a noticeable absence from the weekend drama roster. And while there are many amazing series currently on air, there was something special about "Captivating The King" that appears once every few months. Many might be looking for a drama with a similar plot or underlying themes. So if this sounds like you, you've definitely come to the right place.
Here are a few K-Dramas that you can watch if you enjoyed the thrilling, yet heartfelt "Captivating The King".
1. "My Dearest"
Cast: NamKoong Min, Ahn EunJin,ย and more
Summary:ย "My Dearest" dives into the love story between noblewoman Yu GilChae and the mysterious Lee JangHyun. They must navigate their relationship while also tackling the effects of war.
Reasons To Watch:ย "My Dearest" experienced resounding success, immersing audiences into a war-torn world with a pinch of incr
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