Webtoon-based K-Drama, "Moon In The Day", was a series that provided heartwarming romance combined with intense longing. The drama employed Kim YoungDae as Han JunO/DoHa and Pyo YeJin as Kang YoungHwa/Han RiTa. Together as main leads, they kept audiences coming back week after week to witness the conclusion of their ill-fated destiny and gripping love story.
Despite the many unbelievably sad moments, the drama was dearly loved by viewers and they will surely miss weekly episodes of "Moon In The Day". Luckily the catalogue of K-Dramas is vast and there's always something to fill in that empty space.
Here are some K-Dramas that you should watch next if you enjoyed "Moon In The Day".
1. "The Forbidden Marriage"
Cast: Park JuHyun, Kim YoungDae, and more
Summary: King Lee Heon (Kim YoungDae) and con artist SoRang (Park JuHyun) meet by some twist of fate and in order to escape punishment for her scamming ways, SoRang claims to be possessed by the spirit of the King Lee Heon's late wife. Together, they discover the mysteries behind her death and develop romantic feelings toward each other. The drama also explores palace politics and unwavering friendship.
Reasons To Watch: Kim
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