For years, the thriller genre of K-Dramas has been one of the favorites by many as oftentimes, it showcases the reality of life by spotlighting real stories that many can draw some levels of familiarities with. With its interesting storyline or plot, this genre has always captivated its audience, evoking a range of emotions that revolve around anger, pain, sadness, hope, and victory. The raised feelings of suspense and anticipation feel like an exhilarating rush that many enjoy. It makes us think along with the cast as we also try to decipher how to lead the hero to succeed. Simply put, thrillers are a favorite because they stimulate the brain.
In the last couple of years, we have seen many 4th generation idols delve into acting. These idols show that their talents do not just end with the music scene but also in dramas too as they have brilliantly portrayed many characters that have led to an eruption of praises and compliments from fans. However, The thriller genre is not one that many idols have played roles in yet. And as such, we thought to share some male idols who would do well in this genre.
Here are 5 4th generation male idols we believe will do well in a thriller K-Drama series.
1. TREASURE's DoYoung
We were all left in awe by his amazing acting in "The Mysterious Class". Anyone new to TREASURE and watching the web drama might think he was an actor and not an idol. His portrayal of his character was simply brilliant. He made us feel conflicting emotions throughout the series, which speaks to his talents too. At some point, it feels like you're
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