"Tomorrow" is a drama based on the webtoon of the same name. The drama follows the story of Choi JunWoong, who gets involved in an accident with the Risk Management Team of the underworld. In order to make up for it, he got the offer to work with a Risk Management Team. In return, he could get out of the coma in six months.
The leading actors of the dramas are: Kim HeeSeon, SF9's RoWoon, Lee SooHyuk and Yoon JiOn.
Lee SooHyuk plays the character Park JoongGil. Park JoongGil is the head of the Humanitarian Management Team in the spirit department. The actor gives justice to the character with his immaculate acting and fans cannot help but be obsessed over him in "Tomorrow" and many agree that the role was made for him. And here is why we are obsessing over him as Park JoongGil.
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1. Lee SooHyuk's Striking Resemblance With The Character
Fans were surprised to see the striking resemblance between Lee SooHyuk and Park JoongGil from the webtoon.
Lee SooHyuk is a tall and has a strong built jut like the character. It is amusing to see how both of them have the same face structure. The actor also applied dark eyeshadow beneath his eyes
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